Ray Schneider

Single Store Franchisee
Wake Forest, NC

"My wife Shanon and I have owned Nutrishop Wake Forest since 2017. We've always had a passion for fitness as well as health & wellness. At the time (and still currently) I was a private security contractor having worked overseas 6 months out of the year since 2004. During my time at home I would always buy my supplements from one of the “other" nutrition stores which was always an inconvenience to drive to and/or if I was deployed overseas I would order my supplements from one of those impersonal online stores. I kept saying to my wife Shanon - "we need a nutrition store that closer to us" because where we live (North Raleigh) doesn't have anything worthwhile. Fast forward to 2016, I'm in Helmand Province Afghanistan (Camp Dwyer) and I made a trip to the Afghan barber shop for a haircut and picked up a Men's Fitness magazine to read while I waited to get my haircut. As I'm looking through this magazine I see a full page ad about owning your own retail sports nutrition and weight loss business called Nutrishop. Immediately a light bulb went on in my head. This is exactly what north Raleigh/Wake Forest needs. The rest is history!

As a Nutrishop franchisee, one of the greatest rewards we have is the ability to change lives! Helping people reach their health & wellness goals as well as their fitness goals, and watching people make those personal journeys and seeing tears in their eyes as they hug us and thank us for helping them make the change is extremely rewarding. We also love the way owning a small business has enriched our lives by becoming engaged in the community where we have made lasting friendships with so many people."


Ready to become a franchisee?

As you can see, our franchisees love their businesses. It's your turn your passion for fitness and nutrition into your own business with a Nutrishop nutrition franchise. Inquire today using the form linked below.